
Be good to yourself

Being good to yourself means taking care of yourself. Get some exercise, eat healthy food, and get plenty of rest. The night before an exam should be reasonably low key: eat a decent meal, check over your notes, and get an early night. The morning of your exam, awake fresh as a daisy and cruise on in.

Health and wellbeing

  • Eat well, sleep well and exercise
  • Be sure to eat well on the morning of the exam
  • Have a jog at the start of the day
  • Afternoon yoga after a whole day of studying is very relaxing and clears your mind before doing more work in the evening
  • Don't stress, try and relax and remember the examiners are not there to fail you
  • Always have a snack at han.

Study together with your friends 

 Humans are a naturally social animal, so you can be sure that studying in a group will be more fruitful, and certainly more fun, than studying on your own. Moreover, you can consult with your friends on different topics. This will save you a lot of time, which you can invest in further studying. Even if you’re a long distance away from your friends, you can still meet up using social media, internet and mobile communications

Use common sense

.  Even if you don’t have time to go back and find the mistake, at least write something to indicate that you know it’s wrong.  You might get some credit for that.

Be prepared 

Re-read your CV and the job advert just before the interview. Do your research thoroughly: Look at the company web site or obtain literature. You may be asked about the salary you are after so make sure you research that as well.

 Ask questions yourself
 while it is you that is being interviewed you should also prepare questions to ask the interviewer, by preparing questions to ask beforehand it will show the interviewer that you have taken the time, have shown initiative and are interested in finding out more about the position or company.

Remember your body language

It is not what you say, but how you say it. During the interview, do not fold your arms and lean back or look to the floor! Sit upright and try to maintain good eye contact. Use your hands and lean forward when making a point. Many people cannot think and control their body language at the same time, which is why you need to prepare.

Be positive

Your interviewer will be thinking about what it would be like to work with you, so the last thing they’ll want to hear is you talking about your boss or current colleagues behind their back. Interviewers like to see someone who enjoys a challenge and is enthusiastic.


Drinking 8 glasses of water throughout the day is a must as it helps in cleansing your body. Similarly, having a full glass of water before every meal will make you eat less, and hence, help in a quick weight loss. Skip your morning creamy coffee or smoothie with full milk, and try green tea, honey lemon tea, low-fat soy milk, fresh fruit juice (without sugar) for 10 days.
Avoid salty food:
You should not eat anything that contains a lot of salt. You should even avoid putting salt on the foods that you do it. Salty foods cause your body to retain water, which makes you weight more and look bloated.

Get Moving :

Exercise is a key part of any diet plan, not only because it burns calories, but because it keeps your energy up even when you're not working out. Anything that elevates your heart rate — walking, biking, playing circulates more oxygen to your lungs. The better your circulation is, the more energy you'll have.

Temperature Control: 

Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers..
So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has FOUR TIMES the protein, TWICE the carbohydrate, THREE TIMES the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals.. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around So maybe its time to change that well-known.

Hot oil treatments: 

Take any natural oil - olive, coconut, canola - and heat it up so that it is warm, but not too hot. Massage it gently into your scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave it on for an hour, then shampoo your hair.


 If the scalp becomes dirty, then the pores of the scalp get clogged up and stop the natural growth of the hair. Therefore regular shampooing of the hair is a must to stimulate hair growth. However, you should avoid any such shampoos that contain harsh chemicals as they tend to dry out the hair. Therefore, an ideal stimulate hair growth shampoo is the one which contain natural ingredients like herbs and essential oils that facilitate hair growth.

Eat Healthy:

Hair grows from inside and healthy hair comes from healthy food.  Stick to natural healthy organic foods to allow your body grow healthy hair.  Foods such as brown rice, brown bread, fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts etc.


  Your body needs a good rest to multiply the cells.  You also need lots of exercises to increase your oxygen inflow which helps to keep the body active.

Regular physical exercise:

Exercising regularly can also have a positive effect on your hair growth rate and prevent the problem of hair fall. When you exercise on a regular basis, it encourages better blood circulation to the body as well as to your scalp. Also exercise helps you to sweat. With sweating, harmful body toxins gets flushed out from the body and it will keep your body energetic and refreshed throughout the day.

 Use egg yolk: 

 Apply egg yolk on your hair and leave it for three hours before washing. It will help your hair grow faster and makes your hair look little shiny. It also thickens your hair and make it look more dense

Protect your hair from the sun:

 This is something that many women neglect to do, even if they are vigilant about protecting their skin from sun damage. Protecting your hair from the sun will prevent breakage to the root of the hair and damage to the scalp, and it will also make a dramatic difference in the quality and length of your hair overall.


  Use caution (aka consult a doctor) but there are several vitamins out there that can help you with your journey to grow out your hair. Omega 3 supplements and Vitamin D are hailed as excellent for growing out your mane.


 Apply about a half-cup of honey to your hair and let sit for 20 minutes. It’s a natural moisturizer and is perfect if you suffer from dry hair.

Reduce stress:

Stress is not at all good for health, it can cause many health problems like wise it can cause damage to your hairs also, what stress do is slows down your growth of hairs and make them weaker. Ff you take a lot of tension then you must do exercises like taking long breath,meditation and yoga too .it is very important to reduce stress as much as you can in order to makeyour hair grow faster.

[Using the above mentioned natural ways will not only help your hair grow faster but also ensure they grow healthy and beautiful. Try and see the great results!]

Oil Treatment:

Natural oil play a key role in hair growth, let see how it is, take any natural oil like coconut, olive etc and heat it for some time and warm it for some more time, when it is not so hot then apply it to your scalp, close your scalp

Onion Juice:

  1. Take one large onion in blender to make into juice which has to be later filtered to extract juice without pulp so that it will be easy to apply on scalp for about an hour.
  2. Though very strong and pungent in odor Onion can also be used in this form with rose water which has to be later washed off after about an hour with herbal shampoo that does not have Sodium Lauryl Sulphate.
  3. For this pack to work effectively it is suggested to wait for about 2-3 weeks based on the severity of hair fall it is suggested to increase its usage in a week.

Keep it trimmed

To cut your split end is very important. When you ignore split ends, it ends up leaving you with shorter hair due to breakage.
Damage to your hair will move up from the ends and the only way to stop it in its tracks is to remove it as soon as it happens.

Take your multivitamins.

it is possible that some of us are not absorbing sufficient nutrients from the “healthy” foods we do eat. With that being said, be sure to purchase and prepare your food for optimal nutrient absorption, or at the very least, invest in a good multi-vitamin to make up for that slack.