
7 Tips for Beautiful Lips

Unknown | 22:09 | 0 comments

1.Massaging your lips every day is a very good habit that helps in lighten dark lips, in a short span of time. Make a lip balm out of almond oil and lemon juice, and massage your lips with that every night for a few minutes before going to bed.

2.Lemon is used commonly to treat darker patches and spots of skin. But did you know you can also use lemon to naturally lighten dark lips. While, nights are the best to apply lemon juice on your lips. Massage freshly squeezed lemon juice on your lips overnight before you go to sleep.

3.Apply the mixture of castor oil and almond oil to massage your lips to make them pinkish naturally.

4.Milk cream is full of nutrients and moisture that make it one of the best remedy for lightening the complexion of lips. Take some milk cream and add rose petals to it. Now allow it cool in refrigerator for 20 minutes. Remove it and gently massage it to lips. Now let it rest on lips for 15 minutes and then wash it. Milk and rose petal mixture will make your lips pink in few days.

5. Turmeric which is loaded with vast herbal property helps to keep lips fair and soft. Mix turmeric powder and aloe gel well. Make as a gel and coat on your lips. Simply spread the gel and massage gently. Aloe gel cools lip skin layer and takes away dryness and dark spots. Aloe gel and turmeric together turns lip skin into velvet soft and baby pink.

6. Another great way to reduce any darkness on your lips is to apply a bit of cucumber juice. Simply slice a cucumber, rubbing it against your lips to allow the juices to soak on. If you do this for five minutes each day, you can lighten dark lips to a beautiful pink color.

7.crush the seeds of pomegranates and blend it well with milk cream. Now, apply it on your lips. This is one of the best homemade remedies for lightening dark lips. However, since it is a natural remedy, the change in the colour of your lips will not be overnight but gradual.


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