
Baby Sleep Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night

Unknown | 02:32 | 0 comments

Give your baby a massage
 I’ve never tried this myself, but many babies sleep better if their night time baths are followed by a baby massage. 


Breastfeed your baby for the best protection. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of SIDS and many other health problems, every bit helps.

Try to keep a consistent bedtime

Whenever possible, try to put baby to bed at a similar time each evening, even if you are at another house for the evening or baby is with a different carer.  It all helps to establish a routine that baby feels safe and secure with.

Avoid eye contact at night 
 Olive loves to give me the hugest goofiest grins in the middle of the night, so I have to avoid eye contact otherwise it stimulates her. But sometimes it’s impossible to avoid her eyes, and I crack up when she gives me one of her patented smile


 Babies who are resistant to settling in their cots often like to be pushed in their pram or lie in a bouncer chair. Repetitive, smooth movement helps to lull restless babies to sleep. There will be times when the only option is to rock your baby to sleep for everyone’s sake. Every now and then this is fine. Try not to feel you’ve done anything wrong or set yourself up for hard times ahead

Wear Your Baby Out

This worked for both my children. If I tucked them into a wrap or sling, they instantly fell asleep. The trick then becomes, getting them out of the wrap and keeping them asleep. If this doesn’t work, consider asking , or a friend to wear your baby for a while so that you can get some shuteye.


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