
Tips To Help You Stop Smoking. How to stop smoking for men and women

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Think about when you’ll want to smoke. Plan something else for those times, to keep your hands busy and your mind off cigarettes. Common triggers are stress, alcohol, and socializing. What’s your plan to get through these times without smoking? Examples: drink water, talk to a nonsmoker.

Whenever you have craving for smoking, you can eat some salty food items like chips, papad, pickle etc. You can also put some salt on the tip of the tongue, which will help you to kill your urge of smoking.

smoking cigarettes kept your hands and mouth very busy a lot of the time. Now, as you are stopping smoking, it may be helpful to keep your hands and mouth busy in other ways-at least for the first 6 months or so until your cravings lessen considerably.

 you will probably be going to the bathroom a lot but this is necessary to help your body flush the toxins as it begins to get rid of the yucky smoking crud you’ve built up in your body.  Also, I found it beneficial to drink water until I was completely full of it whenever I had a serious cigarette craving.  When I drove I also sipped on a water bottle. 

vitamin C is a powerful anti oxidant. It mops up all the free radicals generated by the cigarette smoke and thus reduces oxidative damage to the cells of the body. It eases ravings and reduces the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms. - See more at: http://www.allsmoking.com/2012/12/tips-to-quit-smoking-naturally.html#sthash.LfqWyDIk.dpuf
vitamin C is a powerful anti oxidant. It mops up all the free radicals generated by the cigarette smoke and thus reduces oxidative damage to the cells of the body. It eases ravings and reduces the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms. - See more at: http://www.allsmoking.com/2012/12/tips-to-quit-smoking-naturally.html#sthash.LfqWyDIk.dpuf


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